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Buku Online Gratis

  • Albert Moll. 1901. Hypnotism. London. walter Scott, Paternoster Square, Charles Scribners Son.
  • Alfred Binet And Charles Fere. 1894. Animal Magnetism. New York. D.Apleton And Company.
  • Alfred Binet. 1899. The Psychologi Of Reasoning. Chicago. The Open Court Publishing Company.
  • Alphonse Teste. 1843. A Practical Manual Of Animal Magnetism. London. Publisher And Foreign Bookseller.
  • AP Sinett. 1892. The Rationale Of Mesmerism. New York. Hougton, Miflin & Company.
  • Asa Steele. 1919. A Cure Of Hypnotism. Philadelphia. The Penn Publishing Company.
  • C Lloyd Tuckey. 1913. Treatment By Hypnotism And suggestion. London. Bailliere Tindal & Cox.
  • Carl Sextus. 1893. Hypnotism Laws & Phenomena. Chicago. Published Carl Sextus.
  • Charles Baudouin. 1921. Suggestion And Autosuggestion. New York. Dodd, Mead & Company.
  • Charles Poyen. 1837. Progres Of Animal Magnetism In New England. Boston Weeks,Jordan & CO.
  • Charlotte Rosalys Jones. 1894. The Hypnotic Experiment Of Dr Reeves. London. Bllis Sand & Foster.
  • D.H Tuke MD. 1884. Sleep Walking And Hypnotism. London.. J& A Churchill.
  • David W Wels. 1907. Psychology Applied To Medicine. Philadelphia. F.A Davis Company & Publisher.
  • Dr. August Forel. 1906. Hypnotism. New York. Entered at Station Hall.
  • Dr. Mathias Roth. 1887. The Psysiological Effect Of Artificial Sleep Whit Some Notes On The Treatment By Suggestion. London. Bailliere Tindal.& Cox.
  • Dr. R Von Kraft-Eing. 1889. An Experiment Study In The Domain Of Hypnotism. New York & London. G P Putnams Sons.
  • Emile Coue. 1992. The Man and His Work. New York. Dodd, Mead & Company.
  • Erwin L. 1897. How To Treat By Suggestion With And Without Hypnosis. London. Mills & Boon Ltd.
  • Esdaile J. 1852. Natural and Mesmeric Clairvoyance With The Practical Application of Mesmerism I Surgery and Medicine. London.
  • Florence Huntley. 1915. The Great Psychological Crime. Chicago. Indo-American Book Co.
  • Frank Podmore. 1884. Mesmerism And Cristian Science. Philadelphia. George W Jacobs & Company Publisher.
  • George Sandby. 1848. Mesmerism And it Opponents. London. Paternoster Row.
  • George W Jacoby. 1912. Suggestion & Psychotherapy. New York. Charles Sribners Son.
  • H. Bernheim. 1889. Suggestive Therapeutic a Treatise on The nature and Uses Of Hypnotism. New York & London.. GP Putnams Son.
  • H. Bernheim. 1903. Hypnotisme Suggestion Psycotherapy Hysteries. Paris.
  • Harriet Martineau. 1832. Letters On Mesmsrism. London.
  • Henry H Brown. 1907. Not Hypnotism but Suggestion. London. LN Fowler & Co.
  • Henry S Murno.1908. Suggestive Therapeutics Applied Hypnotism Psychic Science. ST. Louis. Medical Book and Publishing Company.
  • Herbert A Parkyn. 1900. A mail Course In Suggestive Therapeutics And Hypnotism. Chicago. Suggestion Company Publisher.
  • Hugh Macnaghten. 1922. Emile Coue The man and His Work. London. Methuen & CO Ltd.
  • J Milne Bramwell. 1921. Hypnotism. London. William rider & Son Ltd, Paternoster row.
  • J. Milne Bramwell. 1903. Hypnotism. Philadelphia. J.B Lipincot Company.
  • J. Milne Bramwell. 1910. Hypnotism and Treatment By Suggestion. New York. Funk and Wagnalls Company.
  • J.A. Ormero. 1908. On Heredity In Relation To Disease. London.. Adlard & Son.
  • James Braid. 1843. Animal Magnetism. London. 3St Peters Square.
  • James Braid. 1943. Neurypnology Or The Rational Of Nervous Sleep considered in relation whit Animal Magnetism. London. Prices Street.
  • James Esdaile. 1847. Mesmerism In India And It Practical Application In Surgery And Medicine. Hartford. Silas Andrus & Son.
  • James L Ford. 1894. Hypnotic Tales & Other Tales. New York. George H Richmond & Co.
  • JC. Colquhoun. 1833. Report Of The Experiment On Animal Magnetism. London
  • John Duncan Quackenbos. 1908. Hypnotism In Mental And moral Culture. New York & London. Harper & Brothers.
  • John Duncan Quackenbos. 1918. Hypnotism Therapeutics In Theory And Practice With Illustration Of Treatment By Suggestion. New York & London.
  • John Elliotson, M.D. 1835. Human Physiologi. London. Paternoster row.
  • John Elliotson. 1832. Address Delivered At The Opening Of The Medical Sesion In The University Of London. London. Price Sixpence.
  • John Elliotson. 1877. The Principle and Practice Of Medicine. London. Medical Bookseller & Publisher.
  • JPF. Deleuze. 1850. Practical Instruction In Animal Magnetism. London.
  • La Roy Sunderland. 1843. Pathetism With Practical Instruction. New York.
  • Loring W Batten. 1917. The Relief Of Pain By Metal Suggestion. New York. Moffat, Yard & Company.
  • LW De Laurence. 1900. The Science Hypnotism. New York. The Hennebbery Company Publisher.
  • M.W Keatinge. 1911. Suggestion In Education. London. Adam & Charles Black.
  • Prof . Leonidas. 1901. Stage Hypnotism A Text Book Of Occult Entertainment. Chicago.
  • R Harry Vincent. 1893. Element Of Hypnotism. London. Paternoster House.
  • R. Osgood Mason. 1897. Telepathy And Subliminal Self.. Henry Holt & Co.
  • R. Osgood Mason. 1911. Hypnotism And Suggestion Masson In Therapeutics, education And Reform. New York.. Henry Holt & Company.
  • Rav Chauncy Hare Townshend. 1840. Fact Mesmerism With Reason For A Dispassionate Inquiry Into It. London. Paternoster Row.
  • Thomson Jay Hudson. 1902. The Law Of Psychic Phenomena. Chicago. AC McClurg & Co.
  • William A Barnes. 1898. The Latest Psychology, Hypnotism, Personal Magnetism And Clairvoyance Illustrated. Boston. Alfred Mudge & Son.
  • William Arthur Clark. 1900. Suggestion In Education. Chicago.
  • William B Carpenter. 1877. Mesmerism & Spiritualisme. New York D Apleton & Company.
  • William Brown. 1922. Suggestion And Mental Analysis. New York. George H Doran Company.
  • William Gregory. 1884. Animal Magnetism Or Mesmerism And Its Phenomena. London. The Psychological Press Association.
  • William L Howart. 1893. Hypnotism Therapeutics Agent. America. The America Joe office.