Dead Island: Riptide was a great follow up to that first game, but Dead Island 2 looks like it is going in a different direction. What we do know is that the game is going to be set on the West Coast in the state of California. Like!!!!!Info Dead Island 2 2015 Build Free Download for PC 64 Bit & 32bitDownload.

  • Developer: Sumo Digital
  • Genre: Arcade/Action
  • Originally on: Windows (2019)
  • Works on: PC, Windows
  • Editor Rating:
  • User Rating: 9.1/10 - 16 votes
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I know what you are thinking, Dead Island 2? You mean Riptide, right? Well no, while Dead Island Riptide is a direct sequel to the first Dead Island. There has actually been a Dead Island 2 that has been stuck in development hell for half a decade at this point.


Who Is Making This?

If you played the first Dead Island games then chances are you know that Deep Silver was the team that brought us the game. Dead Island 2 though is a bit of a mess right now in regards to who is actually developing this thing. At the moment it appears that the team at Sumo Digital are actually making the game and then Deep Silver are going to handle the publishing of it.

What Island Are We On This Time?

So far, the only real piece of information that has come out about the game is the setting. While it is called Dead Island and it is set after the events of the original Dead Island. Dead Island 2 is actually set in California. From what I have read the state of California has been put under quarantine due to a zombie outbreak.LA, San Francisco and one other yet to be announced location. My mind is already racing with what kind of great set pieces they could have in store by using California as the location for the game. I think the most obvious one has to be some kind of section at Alcatraz or the San Francisco zoo!

A Large Open World?

One thing that has not been confirmed just yet is the size of the map. The term “open world” has been thrown around a lot during the development of Dead Island 2, but what exactly this is going to entail is anyone’s guess at this point. The past games have featured quite large locations, but perhaps the idea for this game is to have one large connected city like in a GTA game?

No More Clunky Combat

I am a huge fan of the original Dead Island and I did enjoy Dead Island Riptide as well. However, as much as I enjoyed those two games, I must admit that they are a bit on the clunky side as far as the combat and actually general gameplay goes. I though managed to look past it, but there were many who could not.Dead Island 2 is said to be changing up the combat. Again, this has not been dived into by the team behind the game in any way whatsoever. All we do know is that they are hard at work and the combat that is in the game is going to be different, but they will bring back some things from the past games such as the looting and crafting.

Why So Quiet?

Hey, you guess is as good as mine! The fact of the mater is that Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide both did pretty well from a sales point of view. So, it goes without saying that this is a series that has its fans. The social media accounts of the people making Dead Island 2 have been very quiet over the last two years. We get the odd “game is in development” and so on, but no real information about exactly what the game is going to have.


  • More Dead Island is always a good thing
  • Talk about changing the controls
  • Could have a large open world
  • Still has looting and crafting
  • Has the potential to be more story drive

Dead Island 2 Download Leak


  • Where the heck is this game?
  • It is not actually set on an island

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System Requirements

Processor: PC compatible, P-100

OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.

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Game Features:Single game mode