
  1. Ultimate Doom Wad File Download
  2. Doom 1 Full Game Wad

Doom 1 is a Flash port of the famous old school first person shooter game titled Doom 1993. Originally, the game was released as a MS-DOS game. Something about economic recessions brings out the best in game developers. Enjoy this historic game in the aging Flash format for nostalgia! File extension wad is used by Doom I, II, Ultimate Doom, Final Doom and other games, which use Doom engine, also known as id Tech 1 (Hexen, Heretic). The wad files are game archives that contain game data such as maps, graphics, sprites, sounds, music etc. WAD is the abbreviation of War Allocation Daemon or Where's All the Data?

This article gives technical information about the shareware Doom data file. For level information and walkthroughs, see Knee-Deep in the Dead.
  1. Doom has done more to establish the PC’s arcade clout than any other title in gaming history. The premise is a skimpy excuse to push you through the game’s 24 levels – a space marine gets stranded on an alien base as the denizens of Hell invade, and it’s his job to fight through the demonic lines with all the firepower he can carry.
  2. Category: Doom Resources Shareware doom 1 wad file on its own in a zip file. Handy for running various Doom ports when you have no iwads.
  3. Doomed 2018-03-24 1 point. Actually I think it's the other way around, Doom95 is a Shareware Port of Doom that was made to play in win95 by Microsoft. This is the full version of Doom, but if you want to play it in windows of today you need ZDoom for XP or GZDoom for 32 or 64bit windows 7+, it also can be played under Mac Intel or PPC using ZDoom but the ZDoom Folder needs to exist under.

DOOM1.WAD is the IWAD used by the shareware version of Doom. It is a cut-down version of DOOM.WAD which contains only the first episode. Later on, 'Doom 1' became a retronym for Doom after the release of Doom II.

  • 1Latest version of Shareware Doom

Latest version of Shareware Doom[edit]

Version 1.9 is 4,196,020 bytes in size, is dated 1995-02-01, and contains 1,264 entries. It has the following hashes:

Hash type Hash code
MD5 f0cefca49926d00903cf57551d901abe
SHA-1 5b2e249b9c5133ec987b3ea77596381dc0d6bc1d
CRC-32 162b696a

Older versions[edit]

Version File date Size (bytes) Entries MD5 SHA-1 CRC-32
1.0 1993-12-10 4,207,819 1,270 90facab21eede7981be10790e3f82da2 fc0359e191bd257b3507863ae412ef3250515866 eedae672
1.1[note 1] 1993-12-15 4,274,218 1,270 cea4989df52b65f4d481b706234a3dca 9a24a7093ea0e78fd85f9923e55c55e79491b6a1 289f4d3f
1.1 1993-12-16 4,274,218 1,270 52cbc8882f445573ce421fa5453513c1 d4dc6806abd96bd93570c8df436fb6956e13d910 981dcebb
1.2 1994-02-17 4,225,504 1,241 30aa5beb9e5ebfbbe1e1765561c08f38 77ef34de7f13dc36b792fb82ed6805e9c1dc7afc bc842626
1.25 1994-04-21 4,225,460 1,243 17aebd6b5f2ed8ce07aa526a32af8d99 72caf585f7ce56861d25f8580c1cc82bf50abd1b 225d7fb1
1.4 1994-06-28 4,261,144 1,256 a21ae40c388cb6f2c3cc1b95589ee693 b4a8e93f1f9544210a173035a0b04c19eb283a2a f5c2708d
1.5 1994-07-08 4,271,324 1,256 e280233d533dcc28c1acd6ccdc7742d4 b559ba93d0a96e242eb6ded9deeedbd6f79d40fc 8653b0eb
1.6 1994-08-03 4,211,660 1,256 762fd6d4b960d4b759730f01387a50a1 1437fc1ac25a17d5b3cef4c9d2f74e40cae3d231 f26dcad8
1.666 [note 2] 1994-09-01 4,234,124 1,264 c428ea394dc52835f2580d5bfd50d76f 81535778d0d4c0c7aa8616fbfd3607dfb3dfd643 505fb740
1.8 1995-01-20 4,196,020 1,264 5f4eb849b1af12887dec04a2a12e5e62 c6612ac5a8ac2e2a1d707f9b2869af820efb7c50 331ebf07

See also[edit]


External links[edit]

Ultimate Doom Wad File Download


  1. Earlier release published on 1993-12-15, quickly superseded by 1.1 released 1993-12-16. (Source)
  2. An identical file published on 1994-08-30 exists, correlating with the different executable of that date.
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For those of you (which is likely all of you) who have already played Doom, skip three paragraphs. The Ultimate Doom is 3/4 the same as its original namesake, with a fourth adventure tacked on to the end.

Doom 1 Full Game Wad

So you haven't played Doom? Oh, you're the one.

Anyway, Doom and The Ultimate Doom are games long on action and short on plot. You're a marine sent to the moons of Mars to discover exactly what is happening up there. It appears that something really, really bad has crawled out of one of the experiments designed to allow mankind to travel interdimensionally. It's your job to put a stop to this.

And so you shall. Armed initially with only your fists and a pistol, you need to blast your way through level after level of marauding demons. Your former comrades have been turned into zombies and basically everything has gone, literally, to Hell. Shoot and kill everything you see, and shoot everything else just in case. That's Doom in a nutshell.

Everybody here again? Okay. Just like you skipped three paragraphs here, you're likely to skip the first three parts of The Ultimate Doom, because they are just the original game. The real draw here is the new fourth episode, called Thy Flesh Consumed. This contains the same mayhem and destruction of Doom, but on a much grander scale.

The Ultimate Doom is significantly more difficult than Doom itself. The levels have a much steeper curve and you'll be restarting frequently. It's a good idea to play the game at one difficulty level lower than you normally do at first, especially if you are out of practice.

Otherwise, this is essentially just Doom all over again, with new places to go and new scenery to look at. The monsters are the same, the controls are the same, and the weapons are the same.

That being said, this is sort of the definitive Doom collection. And can anyone say they are a real gamer without having played and beaten this game? Hunt this one down, if for no other reason than its historical value.

Graphics: Very good, creepy and interesting.

Sound: The music is great and the sound effects are better. Ambient noises will have you looking over your shoulder constantly.

Enjoyment: What's not to love about blowing the snot out of demons?

Replay Value: The only real reason to go back, other than pure cathartic enjoyment, is to find all of the secret areas.

I'm not going to cover the first three episodes, because they're simply re-releases of the original registered version. However, as extra incentive for both newcomers and Doom vets, Ultimate Doom contains a new fourth episode - Thy Flesh Consumed. It's the last group of levels id themselves would officially create before handing off mapmaking duties to the community in Final Doom, and it's an interesting look at how they chose to revisit the original campaign post Doom II.

Which is to say, they made it much harder. Whether from fan feedback, or their own personal opinion, id's focus at this point was clearly on giving a challenge to the game's vets. Presumably, they felt the original three episodes had newcomers well-covered. People who play more Doom than I do rank the first two levels among the hardest in the entire series. Final Doom would later take significant heat for its punishing difficulty, but everything seen there - from low supplies to boss monsters appearing in regular levels - was introduced in this campaign.

Some examples, you say? All right. The first level has no health kits on the highest difficulty, and only a scant few on lower ones. How tough a time you'll have is basically determined by when a large group of monsters in another room stumble into some teleporters - if you end up surrounded, it's over. Not to mention, your ammo supplies are extremely limited, as this is the first level. Level 2 puts you in a big, open fight right at the start with no cover and only lava ahead of you. You'll be trying to hold back five to six floating Cacodemons with nothing but whatever shotgun and pistol ammo you have left over from the first level.

Here, Doom starts to shift from the run-n-gun action most people know it for, to the kind of 'combat puzzle' gameplay exemplified by The Plutonia Experiment. Luck starts to factor in, along with preparation earned from many, many deaths. This is the kind of episode where, after a series of difficult jumps and brutal fighting, you'll end up on a ledge surrounded by five Barons of Hell. Level 6 is based around a central teleporter surrounded by lava. If you don't precisely manage your environment suit pickups (hell, probably even if you do...) then you'll be forced to take continuing damage as you keep returning to the teleporter. Your reward will be a fight with a Cyberdemon blocking the level's exit.

Levels 3, 4, and 5 are surprisingly easy and most like a traditional Doom challenge, which makes me wonder why they stuffed them in the middle. Leading off with the episode's hardest levels has to be designed to make some kind of a point. And even though you will be able to take something of a breather, make no mistake that it picks back up at Level 6. Bluntly, if you're not going to enjoy dying, reloading, and retrying until you eventually kludge through the level's current challenge, then you're going to want to skip the fourth episode.

To be fair though, it's not exclusively about the difficulty. As this is their final episode, these are some of the best-looking and best-designed levels id put out. Level 7 is a particular highlight of Doom gameplay - an excellent and balanced mix of maze, combat, and traps. Light and shadow feel perfectly used here, both in creating general atmosphere, and creating dangerous corridors. There are no new textures in the pack, save for an omnipresent orange sky in all the new levels. The new campaign does feature entirely new music, which all sounds true to Doom's now-established style.

The Ultimate Doom engine also benefits from improvements made to Doom II, bumping the version up from original release Doom's 1.666 (oh, id...) to 1.9. None of the original levels benefit from this, but Thy Flesh Consumed will see things like switches that require keys, monster-only teleporters, and doors that open instantly - naturally, with monsters behind to give you a good scare.

If you've downloaded Doom since 1996, this is almost certainly the version you've come out with, making this review almost entirely academic. If you've been wondering about that fourth episode though, well, now you know. Its stunning difficulty spike is due to a few years of Doom development between it and the first three, and it is entirely built for and intended for the fans that took down Doom and Doom II and still wanted more. Even id seems to suggest that the episode is strictly optional with a throwaway gag plot, but hey... those demons had to pay for what they did to Daisy.

How to run this game on modern Windows PC?

This game has been set up to work on modern Windows (10/8/7/Vista/XP 64/32-bit) computers without problems.

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