A Vanilla+ modpack by Welsknight, focused on adding beauty and nature to the vanilla experience, adding more options for building, and slightly reducing the vanilla grind. It contains very few mods that would seem out of place were their features to be officially added to Minecraft by Mojang. For a very long time, I used Enhanced Vanilla ENB, which I used exclusively for over 400 videos.Enhanced Vanilla ENB stays true to Skyrim's original lighting, but gives you the option to add in nice ENB related effects, such as depth of field, godrays, detailed shadows, shadow fixes, and ambient occlusion (SSAO).

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I was looking for a male + female body/skin mod! Does this improve skin texture to make it more realistic? The vanilla people look like dolls some times. And do all the extra polygons affect FPS a lot? Edited by Blackice010, 23 February 2017 - 12:11 AM. High resolution body replacers based off the vanilla bodies. Enhanced Vanilla Bodies Sign in to follow this. I can't download this file!:,c. Share this post. Link to post. Leito86 Leito86 Mega Poster.

Please Read The Entire Description
NOTE: The screenshots do not do it justice, you have to see it in game for yourself. Most of the noticable features won't show up in screenshots, I'm not sure why yet.
ENBSeries is a graphic modifications project for games. The main idea is to allow every gamer to configure how their game will look with their own style, so every player could share settings with others. Many games may look much better and ENBSeries is the easiest way to improve them.
This particular ENB is a modification of the GTA4 ENB from the main website, the URL is located below.
1) No game specific tools needed.
2) Small size of the modification.
3) Easy to install and uninstall.
4) No problems with banning in multiplayer games.
5) Easy to share configurations with others.
6) Controlled quality for optimal performance on your hardware.
7) Other graphical modifications can be used together with ENBSeries, with exceptions within common sense and LUA.
If you have low FPS even though your pc should be able to handle it, try SHIFT+F10 which will optimize the features to best support your FPS, after activating the mod using SHIFT+F12. SHIFT+F9 enables or disables the bloom.
You can now re-map the keys needed to turn on and off settings, and you can now limit your FPS via the enbseres.ini file.
Under [INPUT] in the 'enbseries.ini' file you will find the following:
You can use these lines in the file to change to your desired keys to use. 'f12, f11, f10 and f9' are set by default. Just replace with your choice.

To set exactly what you want your FPS to be limited to, use the following line under the section [LIMITER]:
Change 60.0 to anything you want, but make sure .0 is after it.
If you prefer not to be activating the mod every time you load up World of Warcraft, or re-activate it every time you alt-tab and come back to the game, then use the following:
1) Open up 'enbseries.ini' with Notepad or your favorite Text Editor software.
2) Locate the section called [Global], either by skimming or pressing Cntrl+F to search (if using Notepad)
3) You should see a line under the [Global] section as the following:
Change it to this:
Now you should have it load automatically, no more having to press and hold SHIFT and F12 to activate the mod now. The ability to do that will still be in the main files by default though, because some people might prefer to activate it manually.

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If enough people decide they rather not have the manual activation anymore, I will remove it entirely, and update the files.Enhanced vanilla bodies download free
Thanks to Haleth for the screenshots using the Windows Screen Capture Tool:
1) Extract all of the files from the .ZIP archive into your World of Warcraft Main Directory (where the game launcher is located).
2) Run the game.
3) Press and hold SHIFT and F12, to activate the ENB. *You might want to change your screenshot button to the Print Screen button - by default World of Warcraft is set to use F12 for screenshots*
4) If it didn't activate, make sure DX9 is set (not DX11), close the client, reopen the launcher and try again.
This ENB does not currently work with DirectX 11, or the 64bit Client of World of Warcraft.
Use only with 32bit client and DirectX9 (changed in the in game options settings) for now, until I've updated this.
Enhanced Vanilla Bodies Download
If you're experienced with coding, contact me.
If you're experienced with making great videos on Youtube, please contact me. I am looking to make a Youtube video showcasing this mod.
I recommend you use a clean user interface addon for World of Warcraft, with this ENB. For example, my favorite UI: Free UI - http://www.wowinterface.com/download...92-FreeUI.html
This is a continuous project. I will work on it until I cannot anymore, and when that time comes, I will give permission to the community to handle it.
ModWorried about getting banned?
ENB is a graphic enhancement mod, not a graphic alteration mod and it's not a software, there for, it is not going to get you banned, read this:
Enhanced Vanilla Bodies Download
Jay Wilson, Blizzard Entertainment Game Director: TOS against mods is so we can ban cheaters. I agree DarkD3 is not a cheat...yet. As long as it is not a cheat, no ban is likely.
NOTE: It does speak of DarkD3 for Diablo III, however ENB is similar in some ways, so it seems fitting.
Directly from the website of the original Author - Vorontsov Boris (ENB Developer): http://enbdev.com/index_en.html

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1) Copyrights of the ENBSeries exclusively belongs to the AUTHOR - Vorontsov Boris (ENB developer).
2) ENBSeries is DonateWare (freeware), which means you may or may not pay for this tool to the author as donation.
3) Software provided 'AS IS', without warranty of any kind, use it at your own risk.
4) You agree not to change or remove any parts of ENBSeries (files in archive) without author permission. Decompilation, reverse enginering, disassembling, debugging or changing resources of ENBSeries is prohibited.
5) You may use and distribute ENBSeries in commercial or non-commercial purposes. For commercial use it is required to warn about using this tool (in credits, on the box or other places). Commercial distribution of ENBSeries as part of the games without author permission is prohibited.
6) The Author reserves the right to change this license agreement. Enhanced vanilla bodies fallout 4 download
7) All the rights, not described in this license agreement belong to the author.
8) You're allowed to add new files to ENBSeries archive.
9) You may sell presets, shaders, bitmaps, documentation and any other components for ENBSeries, except binary files (dll, exe) created by the author of ENBSeries.

Enhanced Vanilla Bodies Fallout 4 Download

10) Custom presets, shaders, bitmaps, documentation and any other components for ENBSeries belongs to their authors and may have copyrights and license.
By executing this ENBSeries you're accepting the terms of use and this license agreement.