1. How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Load Board
  2. How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Load Chart
  3. How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Loading
  4. How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Load Box
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  1. http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/stoner-tutorials-properly-clean-bowl/
  2. http://stuffstonerslike.com/2017/02/how-to-get-resin-out-of-a-pipe/
  3. http://stuffstonerslike.com/2017/02/how-to-get-resin-out-of-a-pipe/
  4. http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/stoner-tutorials-properly-clean-bowl/
  5. http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/stoner-tutorials-properly-clean-bowl/
  6. http://elitedaily.com/life/culture/stoner-tutorials-properly-clean-bowl/
  7. http://stuffstonerslike.com/2017/02/how-to-get-resin-out-of-a-pipe/
  8. http://askmeclean.com/how-to-clean-a-glass-pipe/
  9. http://askmeclean.com/how-to-clean-a-glass-pipe/
  10. http://askmeclean.com/how-to-clean-a-glass-pipe/
  11. http://askmeclean.com/how-to-clean-a-glass-pipe/
  12. https://www.greenrushdaily.com/resin-sustainability-get-bowl/
  13. https://www.greenrushdaily.com/resin-sustainability-get-bowl/
  14. https://www.greenrushdaily.com/resin-sustainability-get-bowl/
  15. https://www.greenrushdaily.com/resin-sustainability-get-bowl/
  16. http://stuffstonerslike.com/2017/02/how-to-get-resin-out-of-a-pipe/
Posted by*I've got 99 problems, and drug court is all of them*2 years ago

How to obtain crackpipe resin? WITH PROLOGUE (x-post: /r/Cocaine)

Met a dude on the bus about a week ago after he overheard my conversation on the phone. I think it's extremely obnoxious to talk about any kinds of drug transactions (even weed) in any space where people who might be bothered by it might hear you. I'm sure the passengers of my packed yet silent bus loved hearing me saying how many bags of heroin I wanted to buy, and naming all kinds of different prices since this guy wanted my business . I mean, obviously your texts are being monitored when you're a homeless panhandler . in which case talking on the phone is way less incriminating . Almost everyone I've met who does this is just a middleman (and those that act like a douche on the phone and try to bully me, acting like they're doing me a favor, I spitefully save as a drug contact . this guy's name went from 'DJ Bob' to 'DJ HeroinDealer').

Jul 21, 2013 Yeah I was first taught to smoke crack at age 17 in Cleveland, Ohio by my friends uncle and was taught to make the pipe using a tire gauge with everything ripped off but the pipe part and if it has oil inside it (some do, the one I just bought in Chicago didn't, and ironically the choir boy they sell is silver, so no copper to burn off) once the pipe is ready and you have your choir boy filter. Place pipe face up in palm of your hand with Mouthpiece pointed towards you. Cover the small hole on side of bowl (called a carb, which exists to allow for proper air flow in-between and during inhales). Use your thumb or finger to cover it during flight. Glass Bowl or Bong This is for sure the easiest way to go about smoking concentrates without a rig. Load your bowl up like normal then put your shatter or wax on top of the herb. You can smoke it like you normally would and it’ll get you plenty high. So I smoked $80 worth of hard on foil. Used my tooter (which was loaded with resin) and washed it with 70% iso alcohol. Let it dry on foil and it was trash. So disappointed. If I'd just unrolled the foil and smoked that I would've gotten at least a couple decent hits off it. FML so bummed out.


ANYWAY, dude on the bus is super chill, and he ends up mentioning 'yeah I'm on my way to score too . I just can't seem to stay on the subs :( ). I'd been trying to find Subutex forever to detox and we quickly swapped numbers. I met up with him today to pick up two, and gave him 3, 4mg pressed bars. They were outrageously expensive (I only buy pressies when I'm desperate, anyway . I'd rather buy a football or a kpin from someone I know with a legit script than risk getting a research chemical or simply not knowing how strong the pill will be), so he was supposed to give me 2, 8mg Subutex and $10 for the bars. Idk if he was playing games, but he thought I meant that I'd be giving him the $10. To offset the cost, he gave me a dime of crack and a used crack pipe.

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As you can imagine, the crack is long gone lol, but there's plenty of resin. I read that there is a chemical you can use to clean it out and once it evaporates, you can smoke what is left over. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

84% Upvoted


I got some crack i want to smoke soon but no access to the typical crackpipe. How else can I smoke this effectively?

You can make pipe out of tinfoil and put some ash on the bottom and then put the rocks on top

Or you can make a pipe out of an aluminum can and do the same thing

Happy Smoking 🙂


tin foil gets too hot, plus cans are more plentiful, use a can but dont make the holes too big.


If you use a can make sure to put a carb on the side

You’ll get some monster hits smoking it this way


I dont understand, I wanna do the can method but where do I get ash from? And do I just get a can and put a dent in it and poke holes n put the crack on the hole and light up? Some of the peices in this bag i have are pretty small might fall in? Any step by step instructions for making 1?
Thanks 🙂


don’t forget that you can use a lightbulb, too!



dent the top. scratch off the silk-screened label, about the size of a quarter in the dent. poke tiny holes, about 8-10 where you scratched. poke a hole in the bottom of the can, or the side for a carb. get the ash from a cig. let it burn and flick it right on your holes. gently, GENTLY, pack the ash and place your butter on top. hit that shit hard with the flame on the whole time and hold it till you cain’t no more.


How do I use a lightbulb? Same way as vaping weed? Or do i not “vape it”?



I dont have any cigs or weed etc, do I NEED the ash?


Yeah, you’re basically vaping it. Same way as tweak or weed.


people smoke weed from lightbulbs? Ive hit crack out of a regular pipe before it had a tiny hole so it didnt run through right away but even after it did we just sucked the flame into the bowl and got bomb hits.


cans are a good way..you can get HUGE hits this way BUT it also wastes some of the rock..but i likeusing cans when i have nothing else lol


I dont have any cigs or weed etc, do I NEED the ash?

There’s a lot of other material that creates ash when burnt.


Yeah, you’ll need some ash if doing it this way…

As an aside, how does a light bulb work? I would think you’d need a lot bigger flame? Meth, I could see, cause it doesn’t need much flame. Crack, though?


How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Load

You can use the handy dandy tire gauge.

Just take off the end, everything will come out, pack with chore and bam



Or got to hardware store and get tubing cut to size and filters from under the sink.


what about tin foil? Can’t you smoke crack off tin-foil like they do with Heroin??


^You need a good amount of heat for crack, I don’t think tin foil is a good choice…


If you are able to score crack, surely the person who sold it to you can tell of of a store that sells glass “rose” stems. they cost like 75 cents and come with chore boy. In the hood they sell them at basically every convenience store/bodega. Just ask for a glass rose and chore boy. Chore boy is just brillo pad basically that you use as a screen in the tube. Also in a pinch I suppose you could use a weed pipe with a metal screen (or chore boy).

How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Load Board

With smoking crack you want to kinda melt the rock into the chore boy, and then hit that. Free base cocaine is kinda a runny liquid almost so melting it into the chore prevents it from just dripping down the pipe. After you are done smoking, push the chore back and forth through the stem to collect the resin, and you’ll get a BOMB couple of hits of ‘push’.

Now you’re making me want to go buy some rocks.



^ thinkin the same thing.. about getting some rocks.


If you are using a can, after you are finished smoking, cut your can open carefully so as not to disturb the areas where your holes were. Look inside around the small holes where your rock dripped through and you should see some product that dripped through and collected around the holes. This will be your purest coke and you can prepare another can and have some hellacious hits from this retrieved product. If using a glass or metal stem after smoking, remove the choreboy , take regular “not menthol” rubbing alcohol and pour a little into one end of the stem/pipe being careful to plug the opposite end of the stem with a finger. Then cover both ends of the stem with your fingers amd shake the alcohol inside the stem vigorously. Pour the alcohol on a clean flat dinner plate, carefully light the alcohol afire with your lighter and let the flames burn off the alcohol. When fire goes out, if plate is still wet, then let the plate dry off in front of a fan if necessary. Once completely dry, take a rasorblade and scrape the tan/ brown dried product into a pile and get ready to smoke it. It holds one hell of a punch. It may taste a little like alcohol so that is why I say don’t use the menthol scented alcohol as it will taste nasty! Trust me that these retrieval methods work when you are out of product and need one or two last hits!

How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Load Chart

Psychedelic Jay

Crack works just fine off foil.

I personally use the foil spoon and straw method…

Fashion a square piece of foil around the tip of you finger and smash half of it to a stem. Take a bic pen body and drop your rock in the little spoon you made and vape from underneath and suck up through the straw.


It’s basically = the same principal as smoking heroin, but it is a lot more resistant to heat which make the margin of error a lot wider for you.


How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Loading

can u go more detail?


I know this is an old post, but came in handy very much. Those who stated the can trick is the best alternative are absolutely correct. I’ve only smoked hard a couple times so has no reason to purchase the works, and this technique works wonders. As long as you make your holes small enough and cover them with cig ash, you get huge rips. As stated above(or below?) don’t forget to poke a hole in the side of can for a shotgun, as you would if you were smoking a bowl. Don’t bother trying to make a tin foil pipe, waste of product and you’ll prob burn yourself, using foil for free basing is a different story, but I would still prefer the can method


How To Smoke Resin Out Of A Crack Pipe Load Box

get yourself a small water bottle and make a small hole in the side big enough for a bic pen to go into discard the ink cartridge put tinfoil over the part of the bottle you drink out of put lots of holes in the tin foil and fill it with cigarette ash place your crack on top and happy smoking easy as 123