Manzilian waxing training video

AKA Waxing For Barbers.. this course teaches all you need to know from brows to bushy ear hair!

Editable and downloadable intimate waxing, brazilian and hollywood training manual to use in your beauty academy or beauty school for teaching students. Fully compatible with accrediting bodies and insurance providers.

Hirsute you, sir!

  • You understand that some waxing procedures require our models to be exposed during the wax training. If you do not find this offensive you may enter the training section. I am over age 18 years old, and I have the legal right to view this wax training website.
  • Waxing can be an effective and lucrative means of hair removal. If you are choosing to offer waxing services to clients, it is imperative that you do so in the most professional manner. Sanitation, Customer Comfort, Choosing A Wax, Waxing Protocols, etc are all very important aspects for a good waxing experience and we teach you ALL of that!
  • Face & Body Waxing Cosmetology: Hair Removal Training Manual Edition 6 (Beauty School Books) (Volume 9) Robyna Smith-Keys on shipping on qualifying offers. In this training manual, we are going to cover face and body waxing with wax. We will also very briefly have a look at other forms of hair removal.

Introduce a unique twist to your service menu that adds instant value for male

customers, with the UK's original Waxing for Barbers course.

This half-day, hands-on workshop is just the ticket for modern barbershops,

hairdressing salons and beauty therapists who are looking to extend their male

grooming services and capture a new market.

Step away from the trimmers... facial waxing is a fast and simple-to-learn alternative for

removing unwanted tufts from the nostrils, ears, eyebrows, temples and cheekbones.

It's a great value upsell that gets long lasting results and can easily be added to the end

of a shave, facial or haircut.

All treatments can be performed either on a beauty couch or in a barber's chair, with no need for extra floor space or expensive equipment. Setup and ongoing product costs are minimal and offer a high profit margin, with treatments taking just 5 minutes to carry out and adding £££s to a stylist's pay packet... and your profits!

The days of the monobrow are numbered.

What you'll learn

Offer your male clientele something different with quick and comfortable facial waxing techniques for the nostrils, ears, mid-brow, temples and cheekbones.

No previous waxing experience required: our courses cover everything you need to know about hair removal hygiene, client consultation, correct skin prep, post-wax procedures and homecare.

Get advice on pricing and marketing your new waxing services to the guys.

Training approved by the British Barbers' Association.

When and Where

Group workshops: £125 per person.

One-to-one training: £250 per person. Private training at one of our regional training centres in Basingstoke, Leicester or Manchester. Contact us for dates and details.

In-house training: £500 (max 6 delegates) or £750 (max 12 delegates) + trainer's travel. Delivered at your own premises, anywhere in the UK or abroad. Get in touch to find out more.

Course Requirements

Pre-requisites: no previous experience necessary.

Students will need to provide their own male model for the duration of training.

Course Content

  • Health and safety and legal practices

  • Client consultation and effective communication

  • Types of waxing techniques

  • Suggested treatment timings and costings

  • How to recognise contra-indications and methods of referral

  • How to recognise and deal with skin reactions (contra-actions)

  • Equipment and materials used in the treatment and hygiene, care and maintenance

  • How to carry out waxing services in the range safely and correctly

  • How to provide the correct aftercare advice

  • Practical demonstration and model practice

MediaCityUK Manchester

To book please email

For other locations please visit the Learn Male Waxing Page

Course Fees

Price includes:

  • Male Face Waxing Training Manual
  • Accredited certificate in Male Face Waxing
  • Products are provided for the duration of the course
  • Unlimited follow up telephone contact

Time: 10am -1 pm

Duration: 1/2 day

Waxing training manual

How to Book

Email: for course information and details.

Pre-Requisites - None

Course Length - 2 Days

Kit - Included

Waxing is one of the most universally popular methods of hair removal that is suitable for most areas of the body. It is a quick and safe form of manual epilation, removing each hair from the root, with results lasting up to 6 weeks.

Let us teach you how to tap into this high demand and profitable service with minimal start up costs and excellent return on investment.

This course focuses on understanding the hair growth cycle, waxing technique, product selection and uses, health and safety as well as contra-indications.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Skin

Physiology and Histology of the Skin

Disorders and Diseases of the Skin

Client Consultation & Skin Analysis

Facial Treatments

Manzilian Waxing Training Video

Facial Devices and Technology


2 day

  • 2 Days Comprehensive Training
  • Online Theory and Quizzes
  • 1 Mandatory Co-op Day
  • Training Manual
  • Kit Included
  • Access to The iBrow Academy Support Team
  • Waxing Certificate

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Waxing Training Manual Pdf

Required Models

7 models

Intimate Waxing Training Manual

3 in Class / 4 Out of Class