Story (4/5) | Characters (3.5/5) | World (4/5) | Gameplay (3.5/5) | Visuals (4/5) | Music (4/5) = 77% overall score

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions is a turn-based tactical role-playing game. Set within the fictional world of Ivalice, the game follows a war between the Kingdom of Ivalice and its neighbor Ordalia, told as a historical document relating the deeds of an extensive cast drawn from both sides of the conflict. The stat growth of the player characters in Final Fantasy Tactics is governed by their gender and jobs they use in battle. 1 Base stats 1.1 Raw stats 1.1.1 Initial values 1.2 Multipliers 1.3 Leveling up 1.4 Leveling down 1.5 Brief comparison of job stats 1.5.1 Normal jobs 1.6 Story character jobs 1.7 Stat growth rates 1.7.1 Normal jobs 1.7.2 Story character jobs 1.7.3 Job breakdown 2 External.

Final Fantasy Tactics is a game that I wish I had played when I was younger and had more patience. The story of the game is great and tells a story of war, politics and ancient evil that becomes more interesting as you go through it. I wish that there were more cutscenes and events showing the various events during the war as I found this to be the most interesting part of the game. Unfortunately, many characters are often used for a scene or two and then are relegated to your party where they never have a line of dialogue again.

Many love the gameplay of FFT and I wish I was among them. Maybe it's because I'm not a huge fan of tactical JRPGs to begin with, but unfortunately I found the job leveling system to be tedious and it required too much planning and grinding in order to build an optimal team. Make sure to save often and to keep multiple saves going back a few battles because this game has some battles where the difficulty ramps up very fast and it can be very frustrating.


Visually, this version especially, the game is beautiful and has great pixel art and cutscenes. The music as well is really well done and is something that I've listened to outside of the game

Time to Complete: 50 hours

Favorite Chill Track: Ovelia's Theme

Favorite Action Track: Trisection

Strategy Guide
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Sound test

Start a new game, and enter 'PolkaPolka' as a name to unlock a hidden sound test menu.

Final Fantasy Tactics Wotl Walkthrough


Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. After Bervenia, go to the mining town of Gollund. At the tavern, read the 'Rash of Thefts' rumor. Go to the merchant city of Dorter. At the tavern, read the 'A Call for Guards' rumor. When you leave the city, a battle will start. Win the battle with Balthier's help, and he will join you.


Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Go to Goug, and read the rumor at Gollund. Go to Lesalia, and invite Beowulf to Gollund. He will join your group after a series of battles.

The Byblos

Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Successfully complete all ten levels of Midlight's Deep, and The Byblos will join your group.


Final Fantasy Tactics War Of The Lions Classes 2019

Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Go to Goug After Zeltennia. Return Reis to human form, then go back to Goug. Go to Sal Ghidos, win the battle, and Cloud will join your group.

Construct 8

Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. After rescuing Reis from Gollund, return to Goug. Construct 8 will join your party after an intermission sequence.

Dragon Reis

Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Accompany Beowulf through Gollund. Reis will be rescued during the final battle in the series.

Human Reis

Have Mustadio in Chapter 4. Read the rumors at Zeltennia, buy a flower in Sal Ghidos, then go to Goug. Go to Nelveska Temple, and win the battle. Reis will turn into human form afterwards.


In Chapter 3, go to the Zekalus Desert after the Orbonne Monastary battles. After the intermission sequence, win the battle, and Luso will join your party.


Keep Lavian and Alicia (Agrias' guards from Chapter 1) in your party in Chapter 4. Land on a City on Cancer I. After the intermission sequence featuring Mustadio giving a birthday gift to Agrias, you will have the Lip-Rouge, which boosts the stats of female characters.

Preview monster before its birth

Put an egg on the bottom row of the editing screen. Place the pointer on top, then press Right or Left repeatedly to see a brief glimpse of the face of the monster in the egg.

Character jobsFinal Fantasy Tactics War Of The Lions Classes

Reach the indicated job level to unlock the next job in that class:

    Archer: Reach level 2 Squire.

    Arithmetician: Reach level 5 White Mage, level 5 Black Mage, level 4 Mystic, and level 4 Time Mage.

    Bard: Reach level 5 Summoner and level 5 Orator as a male character only.

    Black Mage: Reach level 2 Chemist.

    Dancer: Reach level 5 Dragoon and level 5 Geomancer as a female character only.

    Dark Knight: Become a complete Master Knight and Black Mage, crystallize 20 units, and reach level 8 with Dragoon, Ninja, Goemancer, and Samurai.

    Dragoon: Reach level 4 Thief.

    Geomancer: Reach level 4 Monk.

    Knight: Reach level 2 Squire.

    Monk: Reach level 3 Knight.

    Mystic: Reach level 3 White Mage.

    Ninja: Reach level 5 Thief, level 4 Archer, and level 2 Geomancer.

    Onion Knight: Reach level 6 Squire and level 6 Chemist.

    Orator: Reach level 3 Mystic.

    Samurai: Reach level 5 Monk, level 4 Knight, and level 2 Dragoon.

    Summoner: Reach level 3 Time Mage.

    Thief: Reach level 3 Archer.

    Time Mage: Reach level 3 Black Mage.

    White Mage: Reach level 2 Chemist.