1. Stock up on Fortify Magicka and Restore Magicka potions. Get a 'Fortify Alteration on self for 5 seconds' spell at various strengths ( Fortify Skill spells are provided by the Tribunal or Bloodmoon expansions, or the GotY edition of Morrowind, which includes both), or use items that stack up to provide about the same effect, and Open spells at.
  2. Re: Stunted Magicka Spell it's in the Birtsign, The Atronach.it is the part of the birthsign that prevents you from regaining magicka when sleeping, only way to restore it is to make potions.

Since Magicka Recovery and Spell Damage can be managed with jewelry enchants, these didn’t impact my decision here. War Maiden + Wizard’s Riposte + Willpower (2 swords) + Valkyn Skoria – A slight variation of the above setup, but this time using War Maiden in place of Kagrenac’s Hope. In other words, if you were to create the same spell at a Spellmaker, it would have the same magicka cost as the purchasable spell. There are a few exceptions. Spells that are a bad deal, i.e. More expensive than a custom spell, are in red; spells that are a good deal are in green. In such cases, the magicka cost if you were to create a custom. ^ Atronach = Stunted Magicka/Womburn You'll have to get Alchemy going to survive this lol. You could eat Void Salts for a small CHANCE to restore some magicka, also spell absorption + summon ancestral ghost works wonders (youl have 50% spell ab. With the atronach) See Ajira in Balmora Mages guild, and train a few points in alchemy to get going.

Strategy Guide
Restore health

While playing the game, press B to enter the inventory screen. Press L or R to switch to the stats screen. Highlight 'Health' and press Black, White, Black(3), then hold A until the desired health level is reached. -From: quake124@hotmail.com and Bizwiz6@aol.com

Restore magicka

While playing the game, press B to enter the inventory screen. Press L or R to switch to the stats screen. Highlight 'Magicka' and press Black, White(2), Black, White then hold A until the desired magicka level is reached. -From: quake124@hotmail.com and Bizwiz6@aol.com

Restore fatigue

While playing the game, press B to enter the inventory screen. Press L or R to switch to the stats screen. Highlight 'Fatigue' and press Black(2), White(2), Black, then hold A until the desired fatigue level is reached. -From: Bizwiz6@aol.com and OrcieGabbit@aol.com

Keep health, magicka, and fatigue levels full

Enable the 'Restore health', 'Restore magicka', or 'Restore fatigue' codes, and before you fill your health/magicka/fatigue up, while holding A and filling it, press B and exit. It will continue to rise and as it goes down, it will raise back up instantly. For example, start filling your health/magicka/fatigue, and press B before it is to the top, While still holding A and filling it, it will keep and always be full until you return to the menu.

Boost all weapon stats

Use the following trick to boost all your weapon stats, with the exception of Hand-to-Hand. Note: The boost is the same as previous methods mentioned; the only exception is that you are activating all of the bound spells for each weapon at one time, then pressing the appropriate trigger buttons and holding them throughout. First, acquire all bound 'weapon' spells that cover the weapon stats. Make sure you have a spell that raises long blade, short blade, blunt weapon, etc. (one of each bound-type in your magic list). Depending on how much magicka you have, you may have to enable the 'Change magicka level' code to ensure your magicka continues to rise as you cast the spells. Cast all of the bound 'weapon' spells one after another. Once all of them are active, hold X + L and watch the weapons switch out rapidly. As they switch, the stats associated with each type of weapon will rise tremendously. You can do this as many times as desired until the spell expires. To continue boosting your stats, simply re-do the spells and hold the appropriate buttons your controller. To raise all stats, Strength, Endurance, and Luck, all you need is Wraith Guard and Sunder. Equip any weapon, and make sure you have the Wraith Guard on. Hold X + L to switch between the Sunder and the other weapon. This will raise the stats of Strength, Endurance, and Luck by at least 90 points at a time. This also works with Keening, but it raises Speed, Agility, Health, and Willpower.

Infinite arrows

Equip a bow, then any arrow. Hold Attack to pull the arrow back. Enter the inventory screen with the arrow still pulled back. You may now release Attack. Unequip the arrows and resume the game. It will now continue to shoot the arrow. After it fires, it will not count that arrow to be missing.

Increase Acrobatics skill

To increase Acrobatics, jump as you are traveling. It will level up after 50 to 100 jumps. Jumping from building top to building top may increase this skill faster. You can also jump in place. Use the following trick to get 1000 Acrobatics. This requires two scrolls of Icarian Flight which can be obtained from Tharhief near Syda Neen. Cast a scroll of Icarian Flight then jump forward. Ready another scroll of Icarian Flight. A few seconds before you land, cast the second scroll. You will land with no damage taken and receive 1000 Acrobatics. Note: When you have over 1000 Acrobatics and you jump, you will die unless you land in water. To get your Acrobatics skill up quickly, find a long stairway or a fairly steep hill. Jump up the stairs or hill while holding the movement stick Forward. Keep pressing Jump because you will not jump high or go very far with only one jump. You will be jumping so fast up the hill or stairs that it will not take too long to increase that skill. You will jump about five or six times for every jump you would have done while standing still or moving across flat land. This is especially useful when leveling up a character that needs good strength.

Increase Armor skill

To increase Armor, find some enemies that do not do much damage and get hit by them. The Slaughterfish is a good choice.

Increase Athletics skill

To increase Athletics, run (not walk) around until your fatigue bar hits 0. Then, wait for your fatigue bar to raise to full and repeat.

Increase Block skill

To increase Block, hold Chop while using a shield and get hit by enemies.

Increase Magicka skill

To increase various Magicka skills (Alteration, Destruction, etc.), go to one of the Mages Guilds and look for a person that has the option of Spellmaking. For example, if you want to increase Destruction, go to a spell that is under the Destruction school, such as Fire Bite. Put the spell Firebite under Effects and set all of the things such as duration and magnitude to 1. Go around casting the spell at objects (not at people). Every time you cast it, it will go up about 3/100 points.

Increase Mercantile skill

To increase Mercantile, buy something cheap (10 to 20 gp) and always go down on the price slightly. Then, sell it back for a little more than they desire.

Increase weapon skills

To increase any one of your weapon skills, bind that type of weapon and hold X + L +R at the same time. The game will make a switching sound, but it will not actually switch.

Easy money

After traveling to Balmora in the beginning of the game, stop by Ravi'ir the traders house. A fairly heavy weapon such as axe or longsword of some sort is also required, which can be acquired from the Armorer a few shops down. Walk up to him and begin to bash his face in. You will have a decent fight on your hands -- save before undertaking this challenge. You should win if you remember to keep hacking. This slight case of murder early in the game will earn you the 'Fiend Katana', and 'Fiend Tanto'. One is worth 9000 gold and the other is 3000 gold. You will also get three other enchanted weapons. Sell them to the Armorer across the street or keep them to have extremely powerful weapons early in the game. He also has an armory in the back of his house which can be raided and sold.

Go to the Mage's Guild in Balmora. The nice lady upstairs must not believe in safes. She has a lot of items (Soul Gems for the most part). Go downstairs and steal something minor, such as a fork. As everyone comes for you, run about in circles to avoid most of the hits. After doing this a few seconds, get past everybody and run up the stairs. With as little mistakes as possible, quickly take the things you want and exit the Guild/ Drop the items outside and find a guard. Pay him his 20 gold then retrieve the items.

For easy money early in the game, go to the Mage's Guild in Caldera. Go into the tower and go up the stairs to an unguarded table. The table is filled with alchemist equipment that range in value from 100 to 4800 gold pieces. If alchemy is a major part of your class, you can use this to help you greatly. However, if you just want the money, the best place to sell it is the alchemist in Balmera next to the Fine Clothier. She is loaded with gold and if you have not made her mad, you can get a hefty pay check.

After you are done creating your character, go over to the shelf in the first room to find a limeware platter worth 650 gold. To steal it without getting it taken away, take it then quickly press B to put it in your inventory. Then, drop it on the floor and press B .The guard will approach you and say something. Accept his offer, then look on the floor and pick the platter up, without getting into trouble. This can be done with any item on the shelf.

Keep stolen items

Use the following trick to keep your stolen items if you get caught. Rather than paying someone to relieve the bounty on your head, drop everything in your inventory, except gold, somewhere you will remember. The objects will not be removed from the game. Then, pay a guard. You will not lose your stolen items and the bounty will be gone. As an additional bonus, the person you stole from will not attack you anymore or be sour towards you.

Get rid of bounty for free

Go to Balmora and join the Thieves Clan in the Southwall Cornerclub. The man at the counter downstairs can take of your bounty for a price. To get rid of it for free, drop all your money in one of the crates outside the Cornerclub. Go inside and talk to the man downstairs behind the counter. Choose to talk to him about the price on your head. Accept to pay, but since you have no money in your inventory, you will not lose anything and your bounty will be gone. Go back outside and get your money from the crate.

Good armorRestore

To get good armorer at the start of the game, get very proficient with one weapon. Then, kill one of the Ordinators in Balmora. You will have a good fight and someone may see you. Make sure you save before attempting this. Also, immediately after you start out, you can ride the Silt Stiders (travel bugs) to Vivec. Go to the Redoran Waistworks. Go to the smith located there and enter the room in the back. Close the door and you can take anything desired. He has good armor, such as the Dreugh Curiass, a medium armor with an armor rating of 60.

Spell costs

If you are short just a few gold to get a spell, you do not have to resort to stealing or selling your items. Join the Mage Guild and go to the spell you require. If it is just a few gold more than you have, keep asking the man and the price of the spell will fluctuate each time.

Avoid fall damage

To avoid damage from falling, do not jump off anything. Instead, just walk off the edge. This is helpful in getting to the bottom level of Vivec quickly.

Easy skill points

    To increase Acrobatics, jump as you are traveling. It will level up after 50 to 100 jumps. Jumping from building top to building top may increase this skill faster. You can also jump in place.

    To increase Armor, find some enemies that do not do much damage and get hit by them. The Slaughterfish is a good choice.

    To increase Athletics, run (not walk) around until your fatigue bar hits 0. Then, wait for your fatigue bar to raise to full and repeat.

    To increase Block, hold Chop while using a shield and get hit by enemies.

    To increase various Magicka skills (Alteration, Destruction, etc.), go to one of the Mages Guilds and look for a person that has the option of Spellmaking. For example, if you want to increase Destruction, go to a spell that is under the Destruction school, such as Fire Bite. Put the spell Firebite under Effects and set all of the things such as duration and magnitude to 1. Go around casting the spell at objects (not at people). Every time you cast it, it will go up about 3/100 points.

    To increase Mercantile, buy something cheap (10 to 20 gp) and always go down on the price slightly. Then, sell it back for a little more than they desire.

Thief character creation

Morrowind:Restore Skill - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages ...

    Race: Wood Elf
    Favorite Attributes: Strength and Agility
    Major skills: Marksmen, Short Blade, Sneak, Security, Light Armor
    Minor skills: Merchantile, Speechcraft, Long Blade, your choice, your choice
    Sign: The Thief
Warrior character creation:
    Race: Redgaurd
    Combat: Specialized
    Favorite Attributes: Strength and Agility
    Major skills: Long Blade, Medium Armor, Heavy Armor, Block, and Armorer
    Minor skills: Blunt Weapon, Axe, Security, Speechcraft, and Alchemy
    Sign: The Thief
Easy leveling and controlling level up multipliers

First, you will need a lot of money, depending on the skill you wish to train. Next, you will need to find someone who teaches that skill. Once you have done both of those things, start training repeatedly in a certain skill, or multiple skills. As you probably know, when someone trains you in any skill, your level meter goes up 1/10. Train ten times, or however many times it takes you to level, to level up. To control the multipliers (relatively) you will need to know the governing attribute of the skill(s) you have trained in. When you train in something, the multiplier on the governing attribute of that skill goes up by 1x, to a maximum of 5x. You can have any number of multipliers, as long as they add up to ten. Note that certain skills take more to train than others, and as your skill increases, so does the price of the training. The following is a list of trainers and their locations that can train their particular mastery up to 100 points. Note: Some of the trainers will require you to do certain things, such as get to a certain rank in their guild. Others will train you for your gold.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

AcrobaticsSenyndieFighter's Quarters Waistworks - Vivec Arena
AlchemyAbelle ChridittePopylon ChamberStronghold - Valenvaryon
AlterationSeryne RelasHomeTel Branora
ArmorerSirollus SaccusLowest LevelHawkmoth Garrison - Ebonheart
AthleticsAdibael Hainnabibi Abidael's YurtKaushtababi Camp south of Molag Mar
AxeAlfhedil Elf-HewerUpper-LevelStronghold Falensarano
BlockShardieCourtyard Buckmoth Fort outside Ald'ruhn
Blunt WeaponFaralenu Henim Abbey of St. Delyn the WiseSt. Deyln Plaza - Vivec
ConjurationMethal SeranLowest-LevelAld'ruhn Temple
DestructionLeles BirianEast of Piernette's FarmhouseLocated east of Pelagiad
EnchantQuorwynnNear Exit Stronghold Indoranyon
Hand-To-HandTaren Omothan SW BedroomLowest Level - Holamayan Monastery
Heavy ArmorSeanwenArena Fighter's Training - Vivec
IllusionErer DarothrilDirty Muriel's CornerclubSadrith Mora
Light ArmorAerinAndus TRadehouse Mar Gaan
Long BladeUlms DrathanArmigers StrongholdMolag Maar
MarksmanMissun AkinMissun Akin's Hutatop Stronghold Falasmaryon
MercantileAbabael Timsar-Dadisun Ababael Timsar-Dadisun' YurtZainib Ashlander Camp
MysticismArdarumeWest Wing Gateway Inn - Sadrith Mora
RestorationYakin BaelVos Chapel
SecurityHecerindeHcerinde's House Balmora
Short BladeTodwendyLucky Lockup CornerblubBalmora
SneakWadarkhuDreugh-jigger's Rest Gnaar Mok
SpearMertis FalandasLower-LevelTower Dusk - Ghostgate
SpeechcraftSkink-In-Trees-Shade Mages GuildWolverine Hall - Sadrith Mora
UnarmoredKhargol gro-Boguk Vacant TowerDragon Fel